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How to Join ShareASale

Joining ShareASale, one of the largest and most reputable affiliate marketing networks, is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Prepare Your Website

Before you apply, ensure your website is ready for the application process:

  • Quality Content: Make sure your site has quality content relevant to your chosen niche.
  • Functional Website: Ensure your website is fully functional with no broken links or under construction pages.
  • Traffic: While not mandatory, having some traffic to your site can be beneficial.

Step 2: Visit the ShareASale Website

1.Go to the ShareASale Homepage:

 Navigate to

2.Click on "Affiliate Sign Up":

You’ll find this option prominently displayed on the homepage.

Step3: Complete the Application

1.Enter Your Account Information:

  • Username and Password: Choose a username and password for your ShareASale account.
  • Country and Time Zone: Select your country and time zone.

2.Enter Your Website Information:

  • Primary Website: Provide the URL of the primary website you will use for affiliate marketing.
  • Website Description: Write a brief description of your website and the type of content you produce.

3.Personal Information:

  • Name and Contact Information: Enter your full name, email address, and phone number.
  • Mailing Address: Provide your complete mailing address.

4.Payment Information:

  • Preferred Payment Method: Choose your preferred payment method (Direct Deposit, Check, Payoneer).
  • Payment Threshold: Set the minimum payment threshold (the amount at which you’d like to receive payments).

5.Program Agreement:

  • Read and Agree: Carefully read the ShareASale Affiliate Agreement. Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions.

6.Submit Your Application:

  • Captcha Verification: Complete the captcha to verify you’re not a robot.
  • Submit: Click the “Complete Sign Up” button to submit your application.

Step 4: Application Review

1.Review Process: 

ShareASale will review your application to ensure it meets their standards. This can take a few days.

2.Approval or Rejection:

 You will receive an email notification regarding the status of your application. If approved, you can proceed to set up your account. If rejected, you may need to address any issues noted and reapply.

  Step5: Setting Up Your ShareASale Account

1.Log In:

 Once approved, log in to your ShareASale account using the username and password you created.

2.Complete Profile:

 Fill in any additional profile information required, such as tax information for payment processing.

Step 6: Join Affiliate Programs

1.Browse Merchants:

 Use the ShareASale dashboard to browse through the various merchants and their affiliate programs.

2.Apply to Programs: 

Click on the “Join Program” button for the merchants you are interested in. Some programs may require additional approval.

3.Get Affiliate Links:

 Once approved for a program, you can access your unique affiliate links and start promoting products.

  Step7: Promote and Earn Commissions

1.Create Content:

 Use your website, blog, social media, or other platforms to promote the merchant’s products using your affiliate links.

2.Track Performance

Use the ShareASale dashboard to monitor your clicks, sales, and commissions.

3.Receive Payments:

 When you reach your payment threshold, ShareASale will process your payment according to your selected payment method.

Tips for Success

  • Choose Relevant Merchants: Select merchants that offer products and services relevant to your audience.
  • Create Quality Content: Produce valuable and engaging content that naturally incorporates your affiliate links.
  • Utilize Marketing Channels: Diversify your promotional efforts across different channels like social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.
  • Monitor Performance: Regularly check your performance reports and optimize your strategies based on the data.

Joining ShareASale can be a great way to monetize your website and earn commissions by promoting a wide range of products and services. By following these steps, you can set up your account and start your journey as a ShareASale affiliate.


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